April came by the other night for our second class: Stages of Labor. There are 5 stages: Early, Active, Transition, Pushing, and Placenta Delivery. This class was really good for Billy since April pretty much told him what the majority of women like/don't like during each stage.
Here are some excerpts from his notes (bless his heart):
Under Early Labor:
"6 - Praise her. Come home drunk and say, "You're doing great, baby."
(Background story: Billy hardly ever goes out. He works like 70 hours a week and spends most of his free time hanging out with me. One day, when his brother was visiting, they went out to Brewvies and closed the place down. Billy came home and, unfortunately, it was the only night that I felt nauseous during my pregnancy. It was BAD. I was having cold sweats, I was rocking back and forth, and I puked twice. Billy was nearly passed out in bed and just said, "You're doing great, baby." ugggggh! I was sooooo mad. I didn't talk to him the next day at all :))
Under Active Labor:
"2 - Scarlett gotta eat. She don't wanna but she gotta."
"8 - Don't go to the bar or to work"
"11 - Whisper shit about the baby. Keep praising her."
Under Transition Labor:
"5 - Get her nekkid - boo ya!"
(This is because during this stage, most women start shaking, which would make people think she's cold, but she's really hot. Plus, if you get naked now, it's easier for when you are pushing and give birth to have skin-to-skin contact right away.)
"8 - Break the nurses' balls Joe Pesci style. Make nurses STFU."
(This is when nurses start chattering at your bedside at things that have nothing to do with the mother who's in labor. This also has to do with the concept that labor is very hard for women, especially if doing it non-medicated) and that people need to respect the woman's journey and be almost reverent in response).
"2 - No holding breath - it doesn't impress anyone."
(This is referred to as "purple pushing." Women who are told to push for a certain amount of time (like 10 seconds) generally end up holding their breath for that full time of pushing. This restricts oxygen to the fetus. The woman should push when her body tells her to push.)
"3 - No Johnny Cash Ring of Fire if she's on her side."
(The ring of fire is when you're pushing and the vagina stretches and stretches and starts burning. If a woman is lying on her side, it will make it less likely that she will experience this as bad as if she were squatting.)
Billy has been such an amazing partner in all of this. He's been so supportive and REALLY involved: he goes to all of my prenatal visits with me, has interviewed the doulas with me, asks me questions about labor and birthing, has helped wash and fold all of the baby clothes that have been given to us...I can go on and on. He makes this pregnancy so much easier than it is and I'm so lucky to have him support me. Thanks, BT. I'll make it up to you in 3 weeks :)
This 130-Year-Old Italian Spaghetti Sauce Is So Good
12 hours ago
You're welcome. He's WT