Monday, January 4, 2010

Reaction Posts

Ok, so I always love (and admittedly tear up a bit) when I watch people's videos of them telling their parents, friends, etc that they're pregnant.  I think it's a great thing to have so that you could show your future kid how much everyone loves him/her and finally convince/guilt trip him/her to call their grandparents to chat for a while (so I won't have to!). 

So, the next few blogs will just be posts about people's reactions.  Since we have what some may call an unorthodox relationship and timeline and are having a baby out of wedlock (or, as my uncle kindly calls it, a little bastard), we've gotten a whole variety of reactions.  We chose to tell (most) everybody by using little tickets that we had Alexis, one of our coworkers, make.  She did a fabulous job and everyone got a kick out of it.  

The ticket includes the name of our street (Wall Street), our due date (the red number on the side of the ticket: August 4th, 2010), and mentions that our wonderful little one-eyed pug, Pirate, is going to be a big brother!  Ha!  On the back of the ticket, Alexis had put "Please retain for 9 months."  I loved it and am so glad we chose to tell people this way.  We were going to do the whole, "OK, everyone line up for a picture?  Okay!  Ready?  1.....2.....everyone say 'Scarlett's pregnant'!" but realized that we may not want to keep any pictures of grimaces or wide-eyed looks of horror for our photo album. 

So, without further ado, here is a compilation of the reactions we got from you guys!

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