Sunday, June 20, 2010

Food porn

I love cooking.  That is, I love cooking when I don't have to.  I really don't like coming home after a long day of whatever, hangry (if I'm too hungry, I get hangry) as all get out, and having to figure out what we have stocked in the kitchen or don't have and if I have to go to the grocery store and if I can finish it all before Billy gets home from work.  Sometimes, I just opt for the bowl of cereal or scrambled eggs. 

However, those really good days, when I can put on the pandora radio station online and listen to 90s music or French cafe music and chop vegetables and smell garlic cooking, are like little blessings in my life.  Cooking is so therapeutic for me! 

I stumbled upon this website last year:  Like one of my dear friends Michele, I prefer visual food stimulation, meaning, when I go to a restaurant, I normally gravitate towards the menu items that have pictures on them, if at all.  This website is amazing.   It stockpiles all of these pictures of dishes from blogs all over the internet.  You click on a picture you like and it takes you straight to that website. 

For example, today, as Billy and I were sitting on our couch looking at each other with hunger in our eyes (for food), we found this:

This recipe can be found on

We also saw this:
recipe found at

If you're interested in a certain type of ingredient or dish, just type it into foodgawker's search bar and up comes all of these amazingly delicious pictures of food with your ingredient in it.  The site also has a "popular" tab, where you can look at the pictures of food that everyone's been gawking at the past week:

I died and went to sugar heaven...

So, go there and have a foodgasm for me and thank me later.