Sunday, August 1, 2010

It's SNOT there anymore!

I passed my mucus plug tonight!  It happened right before dinner (and, unfortunately, at Billy's parents' house).  I went to go pee, pulled down my pants, and almost passed out at what I saw in my underwear.  I reminded myself that this is a normal part of pregnancy and not the indication of some weirdo infection and took a piece of toilet paper and wiped it off. 

It was mostly clear in color and there was no blood.  I think all the blood may have come out after Leissa, my midwife, checked my cervix (which, as of Thursday, was 1cm dilated and 70% effaced).  I bled for about an hour after that.

Anyhow, I called Billy excitedly to come over and check my plug out.  We decided to keep it to ourselves until at least after dinner. 

Anyhow, it's anybody's guess how long it will be now.  I'm starting to feel a little bit crampy in my lower abdomen, but I keep thinking it may be gas. 

I will keep y'all updated with my progress.  Hopefully, it will happen AFTER our due date since someone has to be here at home to let the couch guys in to put our couch in the living room.  Cross your fingers for me (I'll keep my legs tightly crossed until then.)


  1. I went into labor a day or so after mine came out. So it should be soon! Good luck with everything. I hope it goes by quickly and baby Nacho is healthy and happy when he enters the world. Giving birth is so exciting. I can't even describe the amazing feelings when you first see your babe after all the pain and hard work you've been through to get them here.

  2. Oh my God, I'm going to vomit I'm so excited!
