Sunday, May 22, 2011

Real Dad musings...

There are many mommy and daddy blogs out there that make other parents feel like crap: these are the ones that chronicle how breezy and beautiful their pregnancy was, how they sewed and designed all of their baby's clothes until the first year, how they lost all of their pregnancy weight in 6 weeks, and, above everything else, how blessed they are to have such a beautifully perfect family in every way. I started this blog as a chronicle of my pregnancy and to let family near and far have a way to experience it with me. It has turned out to be a mishmash of that and things that I find interesting, but throughout it all, I've tried to keep it as honest as I can so that other pregnant women out there don't feel afraid, ashamed, or perplexed about the physical and emotional occurrences that they experience throughout pregnancy and after the birth.

That is why I always like to see blogs out there, especially from dads, that tell it like it is. This guy has a great sense of humor about raising his infant. His tumblr is called Message with a Bottle and consists of post-it notes that he leaves himself regarding his infant son and being a stay-at-home dad. Here is a sneak peek of what his blog is about:

The 50 Best Messages With A Bottle

The kid is one year old. We both made it through the year.
The little guy has been amazing and I’ve kind of figured out part of this fatherhood gig. Apparently this has been the “easy” part and the worst (and best) is yet to come. Looks like I’m going to need to buy stock in Post-Its.
In celebration of the kid’s 1st birthday, I went to my friends on the Message With A Bottle Facebook page, and asked them to pick their favorite messages from the past year. The response was overwhelming and incredibly helpful. It was with their help I was able to narrow it down to the 50 best messages.
Here they are in no particularly order. Here is to the past year and the ones still to come. I hope you all stick around to help me through this.

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