Sunday, October 3, 2010

Open Letter to Desmond: Weeks 7 and 8

Dear Desmond:

These past 2 weeks you have grown and done so much! You are now babbling to me; everyday we sit (well, I sit and you lie down) and we practice saying four words: mama, dada, abuelita, and grandma. I think Desmond is still too hard for you, but you seem to be getting the hang of mama and dada. You try to form your mouth into the shape my mouth is in and you try to make the same sounds I'm making. It's amazing to see how you are learning to use your voice to communicate with me. In a few months, we will start baby sign language so that (hopefully) you will be able to tell us when you're hungry or if you want more food or if you're tired.

Don't pay any mind to my voice in the video. I'm totally talking like an idiot, but I guess babies really like the high pitch of their mom's sing-songy voice. Don't make fun of me.

You can hold your head up pretty well (not well enough to let you do your own thing, but still pretty good). You are sleeping a little bit longer each night, although it's pretty much consistently every 3 hours. You have no problem taking a bottle from your dad or grandma, although we are still trying to figure out which bottle (and nipple) is best for you. Sometimes, the flow is too much and you gulp REALLY loudly and breathe really hard.

We also took you on your first trip up the canyon and you had your first breath of fresh air ever. You slept right through it all.

You are big enough to start wearing 3-month-old clothes, although they're a bit too big for you. They also look like they were lifted from your grandpa's closet (according to your aunt Kseniya).

Check out his hand in his pocket.

Your hair situation isn't getting much better. I know that some babies go for months, sometimes over a year, before they can grow any noticeable hair. Always having had a buttload of hair my entire life (except for one short time in my life), it's crazy to me that my own progeny would have so little hair.

Male pattern baldness

We are settling into our own little rhythm, and although it's still really trying and there are days when I just want to hand you over to Billy and take a very long nap...alone. But for the most part, I feel that we have a pretty good relationship. OK, OK...we have a GREAT relationship. You are the most awesome little being in the entire world and I love hanging out with you. Even if you do spit up all over my shoulders and your pee seeps through your diapers and onto my shirt.

Finally, you are looking more and more like a little boy and less and less like an old man (from the front, at least :)) I can't wait to see how you're going to change!

1 comment:

  1. he's growing so fast! i played the video for alex and she was smiling all big, pointing at the screen saying 'look'. he's so cute!
